



Following "Open Company" idea, E Text Editor got open sourced.

E Text Editor is Win port of The programming editor for MacOS, TextMate.

This is pretty nice day for OS community, not because of "E Text Editor", but coz of Open Company idea.

Anyone have info on how to recompile this for linux? Text in first link states it needs ecore library. Is that released yet? Any info on when it will be?

+1  A: 

GUI programs like text editors are built on some sort of GUI toolkit. Chances are good that E is built on top of win32, which means that you'd have to rewrite all of the GUI code to port it to linux. Because a text editor is mostly GUI code, you may as well start from scratch.

I would recommend trying out Vim or Emacs. They are both very excellent programming text editors. If neither of those suit you, check out gedit. Or, if you're more of an IDE kind of guy, I'd recommend Eclipse.

They stated they have port that compiles on linux, but I'm not sure if that's released yet. Vim is great, Emacs is painful to learn (but, those few who succeeded said it's also great editor :), and all I'm looking for is somethink like Notepad++ for linux :)
Ahh, okay. Have you tried gedit? I think of it as being similar to notepad++. Can you post a link to where someone said it's running on linux?
Actually, it's built on top of wxWidget, so no much worries to have about porting the GUI to Linux or even Mac.
Jox, I quite happily run Notepad++ on Linux using Wine. It requires no configuration. Just download the installer, place it in your wine folder and double-click

I agree 100% with Benson's assessment (including his recommendation of Vim).

However, if you're hell-bent on using this editor on linux, rather than recompiling, is there a reason you can't just run it under Wine? That will run the native windows binary on linux. It works with most apps... I don't know if it will work with this one.

E-TextEditor's installator fails to start with Wine :-(
+1  A: 

I agree with the other suggestions to "just use Vim".

But it does look like a version of "e text editor" will be available for Linux, although is apparently not quite ready now:

"There has been many questions about whether the release of the source would make it possible to build a Linux version. The answer is yes. The source does build under Linux, it just needs a Linux version of the ecore library which will be released shortly."

"The editor could not have been build without the support of a lot of open source projects (most notably wxWidgets). So to give back, the Linux version will be totally free (as in beer)."

Herbert Sitz
+6  A: 

The E TextEditor's GUI is written in wxWidgets so there is no need to think about starting from scratch. as far as the required ecore library; this blog post states:

The source does build under Linux, it just needs a Linux version of the ecore library which will be released shortly.

To keep everyone happy I would suggest that you start learning Vim while waiting for the Linux port of ecore.

brian newman
That's good to know, I didn't find that in my cursory investigation of their site. It's good to know that they used a cross platform toolkit.
If Reddit hadn't directly linked to that blog post I never would have known either!
brian newman
+1  A: 

Here's a tutorial for building E on Fedora

Alejandro Bologna