It seems that the normal progression to join projects is to contribute for a while, earn the trust, then get accepted as a member of the community (i.e. having commit access).
Now, I already apparently know "the best way" of how to get involed, in a manner of speaking; this is not my question; what I was hoping to attain is: How did everyone else get involed? Surely not everyone has gone down the "find a project and submit patches" route - or have they? I dont happen to know anybody in the open source community, so I'm just itching to know...
Perhaps you already knew someone in a community and just fell into it? Maybe you were getting frustrated with some bug and started contributing regulary as a result? Maybe you did just spot a project on SourceForge...
It seems that the most common reason is simply scratching an itch, to quote singpolyma: "Looking for a project to contribute to is often not the right way." Instead, you should join the open source community by contributing to a project that you already know and use.
Please, please, please: Tell me about your specific experience, no general answers please. Also, answer only if you are either a project member or a patch contributor. Please do not give advice on how to join a community, this isn't the kind of answer I'm looking for. If you would like to give advice on joing a community, please answer in this other thread.
Great Answers:
- Mark Harrison talks about Tcl, cx_Oracle, kap and orapig
- singpolyma talks about DiSo and Greasemonkey
- Pax talks about contributing to GnuCash because of his wife