When you use a projection, the return type becomes Object or Object[] instead of the criteria type. You have to use a transformer.
Here is a simple ResultTransformer:
private class ProjectionTransformer implements ResultTransformer {
private String[] propertysList;
private Class<?> classObj;
* @param propertysList
public ProjectionTransformer(String[] propertysList) {
this.classObj = persistentClass;
this.propertysList = propertysList;
* @param classObj
* @param propertysList
public ProjectionTransformer(Class<?> classObj, String[] propertysList) {
this.classObj = classObj;
this.propertysList = propertysList;
public List transformList(List arg0) {
return arg0;
public Object transformTuple(Object[] resultValues, String[] arg1) {
Object retVal = null;
try {
retVal = Class.forName(classObj.getName()).newInstance();
int dot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < resultValues.length; i++) {
if ((dot = propertysList[i].indexOf(".")) > 0) {
propertysList[i] = propertysList[i].substring(0, dot);
PropertyUtils.setProperty(retVal, propertysList[i], resultValues[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {// convert message into a runtimeException, don't need to catch
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return retVal;
Here's how you use it:
ProjectionList pl = (...)
String[] projection = new String[]{"Id","Description","Bid.Amount"};
crit.setProjection(pl).setResultTransformer(new ProjectionTransformer(projection));
I have not tested it for relations (eg: Bid.Amount).