I am developing publishing site. I have some layouts that are pre-populated with web parts and have a problem when I need to make some change on the layout. Deployment succeeds but I still see old version. If make I change in SP Designer it is reflected OK but not if the change is done by the feature that is being deployed. It looks like after I deploy particular layout any site collection in that web application will have the first version.
I have tried deleting complete site, all the pages, layouts and nothing happens, after deployment I still see old layout.
Current solution for this problem was that I take new virtual image and start with clean machine.
Real problem is how to solve this on clients installation without reverting to clean machine. There will be some bug fixes and I will have to send new WSP file with some changes in layout.
Is there any way to force SharePoint to use newly deployed layout and not some old Unghosted version?
If the layouts are without web parts I don't have this problem.
I am using default "Publishing Portal" and deploying layouts using features. For development I am using VSeWSS 1.3.
tried in SharePoint designer to detach page from layout and attach it again but still no results.