



I currently have functionality on a page to give a user suggestions based on what they type in a text box (jquery suggest). The functionality I would like to add is to restrict what gets selected / entered into the text box to only be items in the list. Basically like a combobox which restricts its selections to what's in the list.

One thought I had is to verify that the entry in the textbox matches to an item in the list. I would have to alert the user that what is entered isn't allowed (or maybe there is a way to keep them typing other characters?), it's OK, but not real clean ui.

I figure someone on SO has done something like this; if someone has an idea to achieve this functionality please let me know.

The basic jquery I used:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $('#autocomplete').autocomplete("getPcodes.aspx", { mustMatch: true, autoFill:true, multipleSeparator: "; ", minChars:3 });

There are a lot of nice options with the autocomplete. I was using a suggest jquery before, but I think I will opt for this one instead.


The jQuery Autocomplete plugin lets you force the user to select an option from the returned dataset.

Check option mustMatch in

If set to true, the autocompleter will only allow results that are presented by the backend. Note that illegal values result in an empty input box.

Yes, that works just fine.
Just as an update the mustMatch option is a nightmare and doesn't work so well. Haven't discovered why I am having the issues, but I surely am, plus a whole lot of others too on the jquery forum