



Design a function f such that:

f(f(x)) == 1/x

Where x is a 32 bit float

Or how about

Given a function f, find a function g such that

f(x) == g(g(x))

See Also

Interview question: f(f(n)) == -n

+12  A: 
Actually, that's pretty sneaky (in a single-threaded sort of way :-).
@Pax maybe he can use __thread static int parity = 0;
yeah, but it still falls down if I do x = g(3.0), y = g(4.0), z = g(x), a = g(y) => z = 3.0, a = 4.0. I'd need a better data structure for multiple values.
I never thought the first time I would see first order logic again would be on a community website.
+1 for math verbosity!
Tony k
+10  A: 

I like the javascript/lambda suggestion from the earlier thread:

function f(x)
   if (typeof x == "function")
       return x();
       return function () {return 1/x;}
Joel Coehoorn
I think that is an elegant solution. I wonder though if any math/language gurus can tell us a magic algorithm to decompose functions like this.
Works for defining g as well...
Brian Campbell
Does this actually work? It seems to depend on the evaluation rules of the language. Usually, I'd assume that all arguments are evaluated first, and only their return value passed to the outer function call.
Svante: the return value of the inner f(x) call is a function.
It's javascript, and you bet it works.
Joel Coehoorn
Oh, I misread, sorry.
+1  A: 

Again, it's specified as a 32-bit number. Make the return have more bits, use them to carry your state information between calls.

    Flag = $100000000;

Function F(X : 32bit) : 64bit;

    If (64BitInt(X) And Flag) > 0 then
        Result := g(32bit(X))
        Result := 32BitInt(X) Or Flag;

for any function g and any 32-bit datatype 32bit.

Loren Pechtel
+17  A: 

For the first part: this one is more trivial than f(f(x)) = -x, IMO:

float f(float x)
    return x >= 0 ? -1.0/x : -x;

The second part is an interesting question and an obvious generalization of the original question that this question was based on. There are two basic approaches:

  • a numerical method, such that x ≠ f(x) ≠ f(f(x)), which I believe was more in the spirit of the original question, but I don't think is possible in the general case
  • a method that involves g(g(x)) invoking f exactly once
Good solution - it's worth noting that it won't work for 0 of course ;)
Great idea using sign to store the state. The caveat (won't work for 0) is universal, and doesn't need to be mentioned here.
Chris Lutz
Well if you pass 0 to this function, you will get a divide by 0 error. I think it's worth mentioning.
You could always handle +0 and -0 as special cases. Both exist in the double precision standard, they're just hard to distinguish in C. Map +0 to -inf and -0 to +inf.
actually, this won't give divide by zero error, at least not in C/C++/Java. it will give `inf`, which is the correct answer. it fails for `-0.0f`, because that is considered equal to 0. it works with `-inf` as input, but fails for `+inf`. if you changed the condition to "x > 0 || x is +0.0f (but not -0.0f!)" it would work, but alas i don't know how to actually write that. :-(
Also should mention that it works for `NaN`, giving `NaN`
ok, this is how you do it in Java to work with *all* inputs, including ±`0.0f`, ±`inf`, and `NaN`: `return Float.floatToRawIntBits(x) >= 0 ? -1.0f/x : -x;` I think in C/C++ you could do this: `return *((int*)` but i don't have a C compiler on this machine to check
Roland Illig
+3  A: 

The other solutions hint at needing extra state. Here's a more mathematical justification of that:

let f(x) = 1/(x^i)= x^-i

(where ^ denotes exponent, and i is the imaginary constant sqrt(-1) )

f(f(x)) = (x^-i)^-i) = x^(-i*-i) = x^(-1) = 1/x

So a solution exists for complex numbers. I don't know if there is a general solution sticking strictly to Real numbers.


Based on this answer, a solution to the generalized version (as a Perl one-liner):

sub g { $_[0] > 0 ? -f($_[0]) : -$_[0] }

Should always flip the variable's sign (a.k.a. state) twice, and should always call f() only once. For those languages not fortunate enough for Perl's implicit returns, just pop in a return before the { and you're good.

This solution works as long as f() does not change the variable's sign. In that case, it returns the original result (for negative numbers) or the result of f(f()) (for positive numbers). An alternative could store the variable's state in even/odd like the answers to the previous question, but then it breaks if f() changes (or can change) the variable's value. A better answer, as has been said, is the lambda solution. Here is a similar but different solution in Perl (uses references, but same concept):

sub g {
  if(ref $_[0]) {
    return ${$_[0]};
  } else {
    local $var = f($_[0]);
    return \$var;

Note: This is tested, and does not work. It always returns a reference to a scalar (and it's always the same reference). I've tried a few things, but this code shows the general idea, and though my implementation is wrong and the approach may even be flawed, it's a step in the right direction. With a few tricks, you could even use a string:

use String::Util qw(looks_like_number);

sub g {
  return "s" . f($_[0]) if looks_like_number $_[0];
  return substr $_[0], 1;
Chris Lutz
+1  A: 

There is another way to solve this and it uses the concept of fractional linear transformations. These are functions that send x->(ax+b)/(cx+d) where a,b,c,d are real numbers.

For example you can prove using some algebra that if f is defined by f(x)=(ax+1)(-x+d) where a^2=d^2=1 and a+d<>0 then f(f(x))=1/x for all real x. Choosing a=1,d=1, this give a solution to the problem in C++:

float f(float x)
    return (x+1)/(-x+1);

The proof is f(f(x))=f((x+1)/(-x+1))=((x+1)/(-x+1)+1)/(-(x+1)/(-x+1)+1) = (2/(1-x))/(2x/(1-x))=1/x on cancelling (1-x).

This doesn't work for x=1 or x=0 unless we allow an "infinite" value to be defined that satisfies 1/inf = 0, 1/0 = inf.

Actually a really nice try. However, I get f(f(x)) = -1/x and unfortunately solving for some correct a,b,c,d always gives some complex values.
+1  A: 

a C++ solution for g(g(x)) == f(x):

struct X{
    double val;

X g(double x){
    X ret = {x};
    return ret;

double g(X x){
    return f(x.val);

here is one a bit shorter version (i like this one better :-) )

struct X{
    bool operator==(double) const{
        return true

X g(X x){
    return X();
+1  A: 

If f(x) == g(g(x)), then g is known as the functional square root of f. I don't think there's closed form in general even if you allow x to be complex (you may want to go to mathoverflow to discuss :) ).
