



I've a WPF app organized with tabs. I added a small button to each tabitem header that allow the user to close the tab.

When the user click on the small button, I remove the tabItem from the tabControl.


As result of this the tabItem dissapears, and that is fine, but here comes the problem:

The TabItem is not visible(good), but it still exists(bad). If I put a timer inside, the timer execucutes his Tick, and more important, if I've a datagrid with 200.000 records and I close the Tab, The garbage collector don't release the memory as I expected.

I asked google about the problem and I've implemented some of the advices described. It didn't work.

Can anyone help me? Thanks


Place a user control in your tab, and in the Usercontrol code, handle its own "Unloaded" event.

In there you should be able to clean-up. (unless your timer is preventing the control from unloading, but last time I tried something similar it worked).

And yes, WPF is very dangerous for all those things, if you are not careful you can bleed controls pretty fast...

Denis Troller

This is what I've been using, and as far as I can tell it removes the tabitem from memory. The problem with leaving a timer inside of the tabitem, is that the GC won't collect and dispose of it because it detects that the timer is still in use.

The Code:

namespace Reports.Controls
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for Test.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class ReportTab : TabItem
        public delegate void CloseEvents(ReportTab TabIndex);
        public event CloseEvents Closing;

        public ReportTab(string Title)
            tbTitle.Text = Title;

        private void Image_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

The xaml:

<TabItem x:Class="Reports.Controls.ReportTab"
        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
            <TextBlock Text="Main" Name="tbTitle" Margin="0,0,8,0"/>
            <Image Height="13" 
         //Tabitem stuff

Here's the page with the Tabcontrol to add a tab:

void AddTab(string Title)
    Controls.ReportTab rt = new Controls.ReportTab(Title);
    rt.Closing += new Controls.ReportTab.CloseEvents(rt_Closing);
    tabControl.SelectedIndex = tabControl.Items.Add(rt);

/// <summary>
/// Moves the Tab Control back to the Main tab
/// after a tab is removed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="TabIndex"></param>
void rt_Closing(Controls.ReportTab TabIndex)
    //This resets the tabcontrol back to it's first tabindex
    tabControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
