I have a page "start.jsf" which points to an action #{ruler.start}, this action forwards the request to "flow.jsf".
The managed bean "ruler" (request scoped) contains some properties, one of them called "ruler.operation", correctly filled into "start.jsf".
The page "flow.jsf" has a command button pointing to an another managed bean called "objectList" (session scoped) containing a property object named "objectList.selectedContractor" (a POJO initialized into the constructor, so its children properties are always empty only at the first MB call, or wrong?), its action is #{objectList.itemInsert}.
The form page of "flow.jsf" contains the following tags:
<h:inputText id="crnameNew" value="#{objectList.selectedContractor.crname}" rendered="#{ruler.operation eq ruler.codeOperationNew}" />
<h:inputText id="someProp" value="#{objectList.someProp}" />
<h:commandButton styleClass="importedButton" value="insert" action="#{objectList.itemInsert}" />
Well, when I submit the action #{objectList.itemInsert}, only "someProp" is correctly filled into the MB, while "selectedContractor.crname" results empty.
BUT if I toggle the "rendered" attribute from the tag binding the #{objectList.selectedContractor.crname}, it works and fill correctly when #{objectList.itemInsert} is invoked... so why "rendered" affect the processing of a submission?