



I am very new to mobile development.

Is a web application can be converted to mobile application (such that it can be accessible in mobile device)?


Do we have to be develop separately for mobile environment?

+2  A: 

The simpler the web application, the easier it would probably be to adapt it to mobile browser, whose main difference from desktop browsers is their limited support for technologies like Javascript and Flash and their smaller screens.

So a plain old HTML with proper CSS styling and not-too-dynamic web application (IOW not too much fancy scripting and dynamic objects) has a good chance of being adapted to mobile browsers without too much pain. More complex applications, however, are much more complicated to adapt, and you'll probably have to target specific mobile platforms.

Assaf Lavie

Most new mobile platforms have very rich browser capabilities. What you need to watch out for however is to follow good UI standards while developing the web application.

You shouldn't use complex layouts and deeply nested html, too many tables, etc. Remember that a simpler UI can be easily manipulated and resized by most modern mobile browsers to fit their screens.

I agree with Assaf, go easy on the dynamic client side UI stuff.

+2  A: 

This depends on what the end users device is going to be. If you are targetting users of blackberries, Google phone and iPhone users you won't need to change as much, if you wanted to be able to present your website to users of other mobile devices you would need to work with the quirks of the device to get your website to present itself in a manner that works with the phone and your needs.

Not BlackBerry. The browser on older BB models does not support CSS and comes with JavaScript turned off by default.
Seva Alekseyev

These guys have an open source tool that turns HTML pages into native mobile applications:

Might be worth looking into what it can do.


I'm a web developer with 15 years experience and found fast approaches (30 minutes max) to RhoMobile, PhoneGap and Appcelerator to be total wastes of time. Maybe in a few months that won't be the case but as of now they're all selling air. None has a quick primer.

On the other hand, by downloading the Blackberry Web Plug In for Eclipse, I was able to produce a rocking app in less than 20 minutes.

Too bad our users want the app for Android and iPhone most.


I think google has a service that does that kind of stuff for free

Also Read this Site

Mind posting a link?
Seriously Down voting for not posting a link?

As to "quick primer" for Rhomobile not sure what joet is thinking has always been there. There are dozens of hours of training webinars at A good start is the "Beginning Rhodes 2.0" video.

Adam Blum