



Is there a way to get a Thread's ThreadName from a ThreadId? (from say, a ThreadID like 10, or 15, etc.)

+8  A: 

Not in managed code. You can't even get a list of Thread objects for the current process, as far as I'm aware. You can get the ProcessThreads with Process.Threads and ProcessThread provides an Id property, if that helps you... but a ProcessThread doesn't have a name as far as I can tell :(

Jon Skeet
Oh.. That's quite a pity then cause the System.Diagnostics.TraceListener class has methods that allows you to get a Thread ID via TraceEventCache.ThreadId, except that a number is not very meaningful as it doesn't say alot.. and varies from run to run too! :(
Are these your own threads? If so, when you create the thread you could log the name and ID, and match them up later.
Jon Skeet
+1  A: 

The best information that I could find is here:[email protected]/msg07369.html

That doesn't seem too helpful, though. It seems that there is no good way to do this, short of you changing the code to maintain a list (or dictionary) of all of your application's threads.
