



I am now maintaining a legacy VBA/Access 2000 application for a client. They have a customer who emails orders with text that looks like this

Contact: Peggy Hill
Company: Arlen Residential Mortgage Finance Co
Address: 43456 South 18939 West, Suite 47995
City: Arlen City
ContactState: TX
ContactZip: 88888
Phone: 8019990000
Email: [email protected]

DateOrdered: 4/6/09
DateDue: 4/15/09


The application has a VBA class with all of attributes but no way to parse the data into the appropriate fields. My client wants a form into which they can paste the text out of the email, have it parse to fields for verification and then write to the db.


  1. Each value is set off with 'ValueName: " token
  2. Depending on how the email clients mangle the string there may or may not be a CrLf at the end of each line.
  3. Missing values will have just the token, no "" or empty space.

I'd like to create a CreateOrder(OrderText As String) function that would read the text from the form but I have no idea how to handle the parsing in VBA.
I started creating a 2D array with the tokens pre-entered, but that seems clunky since I have to read the next item in the array to figure out when to stop accepting data for the previous token.


+3  A: 

This is fairly minimalistic; please add your own error checking. Need to add a reference to the "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"

Public Function Parse(msg As String) As Dictionary
   Dim i As Integer, pos As Integer
   Dim line As Variant
   Dim lines() As String
   Dim dict As New Dictionary

   lines = Split(msg, vbCrLf)
   For Each line In lines()
      pos = InStr(1, line, ":", vbTextCompare)
      If pos <> -1 Then
        dict.Add Trim$(Left$(line, pos - 1)), Trim$(Right$(line, Len(line) - pos))
      End If

   Rem: Access values like this (with null checks):
   Rem:    dict("Contact"), dict("Address")

   Set Parse = dict

End Function

I used it by creating a simple form with a textbox and button, and added this to the button click event:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    Dim dict As Dictionary

    Set dict = Parse(Text0.text)

    Debug.Print dict("Contact"), dict("Address")

    Rem clear up when done
    Set dict = Nothing

End Sub
Mitch Wheat
Very Nice! I completely forgot that there was a Dictionary object in the FSO.
It would be better, I think, to use the FSO with late binding in order save adding a reference that is going to be used for only one piece of code.