Hi there
I'm using the PHPExcel lib which it seems to do great jobs, but in my approach it doesn't seem to be so fast.
I need to generate a excel file with allot of sheets, data, formulas and styles(bold, color, border) and it takes me allot of computing resources and time.
I think that my approach is not so good. Which has to be the right order when is about to generate this kind of file(excel) using PHP code and datas from a mysql DB.
1) generate all the sheets with no format/style, no formula, adding datas and the formulas and style
2) generate sheet by sheet with datas, adding formulas, adding style
Is better to have all the need data from the DB in a multidimensional array and not to query the db each time I wish to write to a new sheet?
I'm using a dual core processor machine and 4GB or RAM and takes me about 1minute if the Apache doesn't crush.