




Hi all,

This question follows on very closely to one I asked earlier but I do not think they are the same thing so thought it was sensible to split them up (which is a little ironic when you hear the question).

Previous question

I have a web application that was split into two projects:

1) The ASP.NET site 2) DLL that contained the busines objects, logic layer methods and DAL methods. They where split into different namespaces but all within the same DLL.

The more I looked at it and extended the development the more I realized I was very much going down the wrong road. I wanted to split them up into separate DLL's so that I could have a clear separation of duties.

Once I had the code in different DLL's I realized that a lot of classes called each other. For example when a List of Client objects were created in the DAL it would also call the companyDAL.cs and get a list of Companies that the Clients belonged to. So I now had two classes that directly referenced each other. This seems like a rather bad thing! It smelt bad but I carried on and tried to separate things out where I could.

To that end I took all the objects out to interfaces and changed all references to them to the interface.

I was hoping to use some sort of DI (just learning about that at the moment) so for each object I created a constructor that took in a Factory for that DLL, (this factory would create a new instance of each object that the class might require). I also put a default constructor in that would call the DI constructor with a default Factory to ensure that there was always one factory used.

It all compiled so I gave it a spin and got a stackoverflow! This is were I fully realized that if I have two classes that require each other you can not instantiate without the other.

   IClient CreateNewIClient()
         return new Client();

   ICompany CreateNeIwCompany()
          return new Company();

    private ICompany _company;

    public Client() : this (new Factory()) {}

    public Client(Factory factory)
        _company = factory.CreateNewICompany();

    public Client GetClientbyID(int id)
       .... do stuff to get client from db
       ... got client object and companyid from db.
         client.Company = _company.GetCompanybyID(companyid);
        return client;

    private IClient _client;

    public Company() : this (new Factory()) {}

    public Company(Factory factory)
        _client = factory.CreateNewIClient();

    public Company GetCompanyWithAllClients(int companyid)
         .... do stuff to get a company out and client ids
         .... for each client id found
          return company;
  • Am I going about the DI thing all wrong, is it that factory idea ok?

  • How should I avoid the classes needed each other? The reason they are like that at the moment is to avoid repeated code. I am sure I could write cleaner SQL to get it all out in one go, or at least in a couple of queries in the same method, but I was trying to avoid repeating code in different places.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.


Maybe you could use some ORM tool for you DAL, like NHibernate or Linq to SQL? NHibernate will map your data into objects with bi-directional links (if you want).

Edit: typo

Cheers, Rok

NHibernate is something I want to look at but I think it is important for me to understand how things should be put together before I use tools to automate any of it, otherwise I worry that I would be just hiding some of my problems
+1  A: 

This isn't so much an answer as a clarification of the problem. I think your factory is complicating things somewhat (in that you get a stack overflow exception versus not being able to compile at all).

The problem is a circular dependency. You cannot instantiate A without an instance of B, and you cannot instantiate an instance of B without an instance of A.

public class Company : ICompany
    private IClient _client;

    // OK so first build a client and pass it in
    public Company(IClient client)
       _client = _client;

public class Client : IClient
    private ICompany _company;

    // OK so first build a company and pass it in.  Oh.  I can't... :(
    public Client(ICompany company)
        _company = company;

Misko has an article about this which may be of some use: http://misko.hevery.com/2008/08/01/circular-dependency-in-constructors-and-dependency-injection/

Basically: Your class design is the problem and it needs fixed. The factory is just confusing the issue :)

Mark Simpson
Mark, you have hit the nail on the head. Would your recommendation be to occasionally have some repetitious code, i.e. some of your sql statements may do a very similar thing? With regards to this situation in a business logic level and the Company Object needing a instance of a client object but only knowing the ID should it call the Client DAL level object?