




Sorry in advance - I'm a novice in most of the topics below (SQL, ASP). Anyway...

I've got a pretty simple web app that requires users to log in with a user name and password.

The front end creates a salted SHA1 hash of the password, and posts it (along with the user's name) to an ASP page.

That ASP page takes the data, calls a stored procedure in the SQL Server database, and passes the users name and hashed password; the stored procedure writes the info to the 'users' table.

The password column's type in the table is varbinary.

As far as I can tell, when the ASP gets the password (password = Request.Form("password")), it's a String.

I can 'trick' SQL Server into handling it as a varbinary if I create the query this way:

query = "EXEC sp_save_user @username='" & username & "', @password=0x" & password

IOW - I'm prepending an "0x" to the password string.

However, I've read that it's a better practice to use a parameterized query:

E.g.: SET objParam = objCommand.CreateParameter("@password",204, 1, 40, password)

However, this fails because the parameter is supposed to be binary (204), but password is a string.

So, how do I convert a string like "4a5e6a8d521ed487b81c91e131cf27e8dae9b783" to a binary in ASP?

Many thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

I remember the days when I used to bash my head on this kind of thing. I suggest you get an upgrade to ASP.Net, but in the mean time the following code (VBScript) should do what you want:


Dim result


function main()

    Dim userName : userName = "Martin"
    Dim data : data = "4a5e6a8d521ed487b81c91e131cf27e8dae9b783"

    Dim db: Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    db.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=password1;Initial Catalog=Test;Data Source=(local)"

    Dim cmd : Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    cmd.ActiveConnection = db

    cmd.CommandText = "dbo.[sp_save_user]"
    cmd.CommandType = 4    
    cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@UserName", 200, 1, 50, userName)
    Dim bytes : bytes = stringToBinary(data)
    cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("@Password", 204, 1, LenB(bytes), bytes)


    result = "done"

end function

function stringToBinary(str)
    dim ahex
    for i=0 to len(str) - 1 step 2
        Dim strDigit1 
        Dim strDigit2
        strDigit1 = Ucase(Mid(str, i+1, 1))
        strDigit2 = Ucase(Mid(str, i+2, 1))

        Dim byteDigit1
        Dim byteDigit2
        byteDigit1 = InStr("0123456789ABCDEF", strDigit1) - 1
        byteDigit2 = InStr("0123456789ABCDEF", strDigit2) - 1

        ahex = ahex & ChrB((byteDigit1 * 16) + byteDigit2)

    stringToBinary = ahex          
end function
        <h1><%= result %></h1>
Martin Brown

I assume you have scope to change the DB... more specifically the Stored Procedure?

Why not just accept the hash as a string and CAST it to varbinary within the SProc?

Reading further, there is no built-in String -> Varbinary function in SQL Server, but this function has been offered as an easy solution,

It is just as easy to do the conversion in VBScript and that way you get to keep your database interface clean for when you upgrade to a newer UI technology.
Martin Brown

Maybe a bit unrelated, but I'm wondering, if you are salting the hash on the client, how are you exactly keeping the salt secure?

Joost Moesker
My understanding is that it's not critical to secure the salt - the point of salting passwords it that it will prevent anyone from using a predefined list of hashed passwords. In other words, if someone got my salt, they could then create a NEW dictionary of hashed versions of every possible password + my salt, but that's sufficiently time-consuming as to make it not worth the effort. Of course, I'm not an expert, so take this with a grain of salt. ;-)