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What is the best open source wiki system ?

I need to setup a closed-wiki system, i.e.:

  • Any user can view everything
  • Only registered users can contribute
  • Even then their contribution must be approved by a moderator/editor/administrator before it is displayed to the public.

Anyone know of a wiki (preferably open source & php) that can do that?


+1  A: 

I believe MediaWiki, with extensions, can support all of your functionality, but you should look into the extensions that are available before running with it.

Thomas Owens
Thanks NoahD. I added the links to both the MW homepage and extensions page to my posting.
Thomas Owens
+2  A: 

Maybe WikiMatrix is a good point to start searching.

+2  A: 

Dokuwiki provides multiple levels of control and would likely fit your need here. Open source and has a great plugin system. I can not recommend it enough. Additionally, no database required!

If you are looking for a commercial solution, confluence is your answer.

Shane C. Mason
btw, do you know if Dokuwiki allows maintaining user profiles (for example a public viewable page for each registered user)?
There is a plugin for almost ANYTHING you might want. In this case, it is the userhomepage plugin. http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:userhomepage
Shane C. Mason

A standard MediaWiki should allow you to do everything you requested. In the file LocalSettings.php you can set the view and edit permissions.

As for requiring approval take a look at this link.


MediaWiki is good for standard wiki use cases. It does not support Page Access Restrictions though. There is a plugin to enable page restrictions available for this but the developer explicitly says that it hasn been tested enough to be 100% secure.

If your wiki must have page restrictions I would recommend TWiki, which is very flexible and powerfull. (It does have page restricions features.) NB its written purely in perl.
