



I've been wondering if there are any best practices on structuring your Webforms web application ASP.Net architecture?

I'm providing a mock structure of a web application I've been working on to allow the community to give me some feedback.

  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Core\ (Contains data and business layer dlls)

  • C:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Core\ForumData.csproj

  • C:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Core\ForumBusiness.csproj
  • C:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Core\BusinessApp1Data.csproj
  • C:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Core\BusinessApp1Business.csproj

  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\ (Contains web applications)

Separate project for login is probably overkill but thats how it is

  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\Login\Login.csproj
  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\WebRoot\WebRoot.csproj (Stores common images and css as well as homepage)

Every sub application in the system is a seperate project, and right now every subapplication has its own webservice. I've been wondering if all the webservices should be in one project?

  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\Forum\Forum.csproj
  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\Guestbook\Guestbook.csproj
  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\Admin\Admin.csproj
  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\Admin\BusinessApp1.csproj
  • c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Web\Admin\BusinessApp2.csproj

We have a directory that stores solution files. Each solution is based on an application you want to work on and has all the projects you need and all project references to get everything to compile.
