



What's the fastest way using either DOS scripting or PowerShell to run this simple command on a directory and all its subdirectories:

 convert filename.jpg -resize 620x620 "R:\processed\filename.jpg"

DOS Batch script for single directory:

 FOR %%a in (*.jpg) DO convert %%a -resize 620x620 "R:\processed\%%a"

I want to run this recursively on a directory structure and have the output match the input hierarchy. I figured PowerShell was the easiest way, but I was unable to learn PowerShell in the 5 minutes I have to do this task!

Note: not that it's relevant, but convert is from ImageMagick.

+9  A: 

In PowerShell:

Use the -recurse switch and pipe to foreach. For e.g.:

dir -recurse -include *.jpg | %{convert  $_.FullName -resize 620x620 "R:\processed\$_"}

(Note that the % sign is an alias of foreach-object).

thanks. sorry for being lazy. i'll test it out
@dangph Thanks for the clarification!
"R:\processed\ $_.Name" should be "R:\processed\$($_.Name)" to get the file name in the string.
Emperor XLII
@Emperor. Oops you're right. Actually you can use "R:\processed\$_" to get the same results.
currently this ends up trying to save in "R:\processed\R:\unprocessed\1.jpg because it doesnt take the relative path from the current directory. can this easily be found? using $_ is too much but $_.Name does not contain the path
Interesting, it works for me. $_.FullName returns the full path. $_.Name returns just the filename. $_ by itself should be the same as $_.Name since the string conversion of a FileInfo object is $_.Name. Maybe you can try @Emperor suggestion: "R:\processed\$($_.Name)"