



I am refactoring a project and I want to make it conform to the MVC pattern (model view control). There are three objects:

  1. a ServerList (maintains a list of servers that are active) - this guy will be the controller

  2. a Form - this is your standard .NET GUI

  3. a DatabaseThingy - wrapper class that reads/writes to database. (don't ask me what it does, I can't touch or change this class)

my question is: to follow proper MVC design, it seems that the ServerList should hold references to Form and DatabaseThingy. But when creating a .NET app, it seems that we are forced to make the Form (the view of MVC) the owner of ServerList and DatabaseThingy. How would I properly break this down into an MVC design and who should "own" what?


Your Form interacts with the controller, something that has access to the ServerList, which in turns knows how to interact with the DatabaseThingy.

In your case, you could implement a service (or services) that interact with the ServerList. Your Form would call the methods in those services which would execute the required tasks.

+1  A: 

Check out this StackOverflow question.


ahh, the untapped power of the search button :-)

urini -- I tried to click "accept answer" for you but it won't let me...
