As far as I know, no. But Apache Commons Collections has something like this: Predicate
Edit: Right, as noted in comments, Commons Collections is from pre-generics world, so Google Collections seems like a clearly better option now. Still, Commons Collections deserves to be mentioned as it's a well-known library that does this, and also so that people know why not to use it. :)
I was just reading more about Google Collections in this nice interview with its main developers, and wanted to quote a bit that deals specifically with the "Google Collections vs. Apache Commons Collections" issue:
What is unique about your approach?
How does it differ to, for example,
the Apache Commons Collection?
Kevin: "Well, thank God for the Apache
Commons. We'd all be in bad shape
without libraries like this. That
said, sadly that particular project
has stalled, in a pre-generics world.
They do want to adopt generics, but
they recognize that this would involve
a pretty nontrivial and incompatible
rewrite. So far, no one seems to be
actively driving such an effort. At
Google we've been using Java 5
company-wide since the spring of 2005.
A collections library being
ungenerified was a deal-breaker for
us, because we really hate getting
compiler warnings. I was also
concerned about the many places in
which the Apache collections don't
conform to the specifications of the
JDK interfaces they implement."
Jared: "As Kevin implies, our library
is the only collections library I know
of, outside the JDK, built with Java 5
features: generics, enums, covariant
return types, etc. When writing Java 5
code, you want a collections library
that takes full advantage of the
language. In addition, we put enormous
effort into making the library
complete, robust, and consistent with
the JDK collection classes. Our
collection classes were much more
limited initially, but we've gradually
improved them over the last two years.
Since all library usage is in Google's
source control system, we've had the
flexibility to modify public
interfaces. An open-source project
like Apache Commons Collection doesn't
have the freedom to change its
behavior after the initial release.
Since we'll lose that flexibility once
Google Collections Library 1.0 is
released, we're eager to receive
feedback now so we can get things