



This question is actually a result of an interesting discussion at a while ago. It basically boils down to the following code:

int foo(int bar)
    int return_value = 0;
        if (!do_something( bar )) {
                goto error_1;
        if (!init_stuff( bar )) {
                goto error_2;
        if (!prepare_stuff( bar )) {
                goto error_3;
        return_value = do_the_thing( bar );
        return return_value;

The usage of goto here appears to be the best way to go, resulting in the cleanest and most efficient code of all possibilities, or at least so it seems to me. Quoting Steve McConnell in Code Complete:

The goto is useful in a routine that allocates resources, performs operations on those resources, and then deallocates the resources. With a goto, you can clean up in one section of the code. The goto reduces the likelihood of your forgetting to deallocate the resources in each place you detect an error.

Another support for this approach comes from the Linux Device Drivers book, in this section.

What do you think? Is this case a valid use for goto in C? Would you prefer other methods, which produce more convoluted and/or less efficient code, but avoid goto?

+6  A: 

The problem with the goto keyword is mostly misunderstood. It is not plain-evil. You just need to be aware of the extra control paths that you create with every goto. It becomes difficult to reason about your code and hence its validity.

FWIW, if you look up tutorials, they take the goto approach to error handling.

We do not use gotos. A higher importance is laid on return values. Exception handling is done via setjmp/longjmp -- whatever little you can.

+1  A: 

There's nothing morally wrong about the goto statement any more than there is something morally wrong with (void)* pointers.

It's all in how you use the tool. In the (trivial) case you presented, a case statement can achieve the same logic, albeit with more overhead. The real question is, "what's my speed requirement?"

goto is just plain fast, especially if you're careful to make sure that it compiles to a short jump. Perfect for applications where speed is a premium. For other applications, it probably makes sense to take the overhead hit with if/else + case for maintainability.

Remember: goto doesn't kill applications, developers kill applications.

UPDATE: Here's the case example

int foo(int bar) { 
     int return_value = 0 ; 
     int failure_value = 0 ;

     if (!do_something(bar)) { 
          failure_value = 1; 
      } else if (!init_stuff(bar)) { 
          failure_value = 2; 
      } else if (prepare_stuff(bar)) { 
          return_value = do_the_thing(bar); 

      switch (failure_value) { 
          case 2: cleanup_2(); 
          case 1: cleanup_1(); 
          default: break ; 
Could you present the 'case' alternative?Also, I would argue that this is way different from void*, which is required for any serious data structure abstraction in C. I don't think there's anyone seriously opposing void*, and you won't find a single large code base without it.
Eli Bendersky
Re: void*, that's exactly my point, there's nothing morally wrong with either. Switch/case example foo(int bar){ int return_value = 0 ; int failure_value = 0 ; if (!do_something(bar)) { failure_value = 1; } else if (!init_stuff(bar)) { failure_value = 2; } else if (prepare_stuff(bar)) { { return_value = do_the_thing(bar); cleanup_3(); }switch (failure_value) { case 2: cleanup_2(); break ; case 1: cleanup_1(); break ; default: break ; }}
@webmarc, sorry but this is horrible! Yo've just wholly simulated goto with labels - inventing your own non-descriptive values for labels and implementing goto with switch/case. Failure_value = 1 is cleaner than "goto cleanup_something" ?
Eli Bendersky
I feel like you set me up here... your question is for an opinion, and what I would prefer. Yet when I offered my answer, it's horrible. :-( As for your complaint about the label names, they're just as descriptive as the rest of your example: cleanup_1, foo, bar. Why are you attacking label names when that's not even germane to the question?
I had no intention of "setting up" and cause any sort of negative feelings, sorry for that! It just feels like your new approach is targeted solely at 'goto removal', without adding any more clarity. It's as if you've reimplemented what goto does, just using more code which is less clear. This IMHO is not a good thing to do - getting rid of the goto just for the sake of it.
Eli Bendersky
Encapsulating the cleanup logic in a switch block (or any other block for that matter) allows additional logic to be executed between it and the if block above. This is far more maintainable, IMO, while the goto method is far more efficient. Since there's no clear goal for this code (speed versus maintainability, or any other parameters), there's no right answer here.

Seems to me that cleanup_3 should do its cleanup, then call cleanup_2. Similarly, cleanup_2 should do it's cleanup, then call cleanup_1. It appears that anytime you do cleanup_[n], that cleanup_[n-1] is required, thus it should be the responsibility of the method (so that, for instance, cleanup_3 can never be called without calling cleanup_2 and possibly causing a leak.)

Given that approach, instead of gotos, you would simply call the cleanup routine, then return.

The goto approach isn't wrong or bad, though, it's just worth noting that it's not necessarily the "cleanest" approach (IMHO).

If you are looking for the optimal performance, then I suppose that the goto solution is best. I only expect it to be relevant, however, in a select few, performance critical, applications (e.g., device drivers, embedded devices, etc). Otherwise, it's a micro-optimization that has lower priority than code clarity.

Ryan Emerle
That won't cut - cleanups are specific to resources, which are allocated in this order only in this routine. In other places, they aren't related, so calling one from the other doesn't make sense.
Eli Bendersky
+7  A: 

As a general rule, avoiding goto is a good idea, but the abuses that were prevalent when Dijkstra first wrote 'GOTO Considered Harmful' don't even cross most people's minds as an option these days.

What you outline is a generalizable solution to the error handling problem - it is fine with me as long as it is carefully used.

Your particular example can be simplified as follows (step 1):

int foo(int bar)
    int return_value = 0;
    if (!do_something(bar)) {
        goto error_1;
    if (!init_stuff(bar)) {
        goto error_2;
    if (prepare_stuff(bar))
        return_value = do_the_thing(bar);
    return return_value;

Continuing the process:

int foo(int bar)
    int return_value = 0;
    if (do_something(bar))
        if (init_stuff(bar))
            if (prepare_stuff(bar))
                return_value = do_the_thing(bar);
    return return_value;

This is, I believe, equivalent to the original code. This looks particularly clean since the original code was itself very clean and well organized. Often, the code fragments are not as tidy as that (though I'd accept an argument that they should be); for example, there is frequently more state to pass to the initialization (setup) routines than shown, and therefore more state to pass to the cleanup routines too.

Jonathan Leffler
Yep, the nested solution is one of the viable alternatives. Unfortunately it becomes less viable as the nesting level deepens.
Eli Bendersky
@eliben: Agreed - but the deeper nesting might be (probably is) an indication that you need to introduce more functions, or have the preparation steps do more, or otherwise refactor your code. I could argue that each of the prepare functions should do their setup, call the next in the chain, and do their own cleanup. It localizes that work - you might even save on the three cleanup functions. It also depends, in part, on whether any of the setup or cleanup functions are used (usable) in any other calling sequence.
Jonathan Leffler
Unfortunately this doesn't work with loops -- if an error occurs inside a loop, then a goto is much, much cleaner than the alternative of setting and checking flags and 'break' statements (which are just cleverly disguised gotos).
Adam Rosenfield
Yes but gotos ruin your static code analysis tools! Or maybe you aren't using static code analysis tools? Shame on you.Not using static code analysis tools is like driving without a seat belt!
Trevor Boyd Smith
@Smith, More like driving without a bullet-proof vest.
The introduction of additional functions would also address the loop issue; have the loop as the top-most item in the function and use a return statement to break out of it in case of error. Once everything is compiled, you'll end up with the same basic result, a branch when there's an error, but it's a bit more declarative and easier to reason about.
@Trevor: It's a poor static code analysis tool that is fazed by goto. Indeed, it is goto-heavy code that is likely to need analysis…
Donal Fellows

GOTO is useful. It's something your processor can do and this is why you should have access to it.

Sometimes you want to add a little something to your function and single goto let's you do that easily. It can save time..

You don't need access to every single thing your processor can do. Most of the time goto is more confusing than the alternative.
David Thornley
+5  A: 

FWIF, I find the error handling idiom you gave in the question's example to be more readable and easier to understand than any of the alternatives given in the answers so far. While goto is a bad idea in general, it can be useful for error handling when done in a simple and uniform manner. In this situation, even though it's a goto, it's being used in well-defined and more or less structured manner.

Michael Burr

I personally am a follower of the "The Power of Ten - 10 Rules for Writing Safety Critical Code".

I will include a small snippet from that text that illustrates what I believe to be a good idea about goto.

Rule: Restrict all code to very simple control flow constructs – do not use goto statements, setjmp or longjmp constructs, and direct or indirect recursion.

Rationale: Simpler control flow translates into stronger capabilities for verification and often results in improved code clarity. The banishment of recursion is perhaps the biggest surprise here. Without recursion, though, we are guaranteed to have an acyclic function call graph, which can be exploited by code analyzers, and can directly help to prove that all executions that should be bounded are in fact bounded. (Note that this rule does not require that all functions have a single point of return – although this often also simplifies control flow. There are enough cases, though, where an early error return is the simpler solution.)

Banishing the use of goto seems bad but:

If the rules seem Draconian at first, bear in mind that they are meant to make it possible to check code where very literally your life may depend on its correctness: code that is used to control the airplane that you fly on, the nuclear power plant a few miles from where you live, or the spacecraft that carries astronauts into orbit. The rules act like the seat-belt in your car: initially they are perhaps a little uncomfortable, but after a while their use becomes second-nature and not using them becomes unimaginable.

Trevor Boyd Smith
The problem with this is that the usual way of totally banishing the `goto` is to use some set of “clever” booleans in deeply nested ifs or loops. That really doesn't help. Maybe your tools will grok it better, but *you* won't and you're more important.
Donal Fellows

I think that the question here is fallacious with respect to the given code.


  1. do_something(), init_stuff() and prepare_stuff() appear to know if they have failed, since they return either false or nil in that case.
  2. Responsibility for setting up state appears to be the responsibility of those functions, since there is no state being set up directly in foo().

Therefore: do_something(), init_stuff() and prepare_stuff() should be doing their own cleanup. Having a separate cleanup_1() function that cleans up after do_something() breaks the philosophy of encapsulation. It's bad design.

If they did their own cleanup, then foo() becomes quite simple.

On the other hand. If foo() actually created its own state that needed to be torn down, then goto would be appropriate.
