




I am writing an application using GWT on Windows that needs to do some network calls.

I know that if these aren't to the same machine I'm developing on I need to setup a proxy, right?

I was just wondering if anyone could help with what my GWT code would look like?

What proxy should I use on Windows?



If you mean Google Web Toolkit, and you're trying to evade cross-domain scripting restrictions, check out Yahoo's how-to guide. There's even PHP sample code.

Matthew Flaschen
That example actually involves writing your own PHP code as your own proxy.What I am looking to do is simply have my application connect through a proxy to wherever it needs to get data.
So you want to use an open proxy? That's not wise, as they come and go very frequently.
Matthew Flaschen

Why not perform the network calls in server side? That way you are not restricted to cross domain restrictions.

+2  A: 

If you're simply requesting data from a RESTful service from a different domain, you can use JSONP (http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/tutorials/1.6/Xsite.html).

If you're trying to post data, you'd have to perform the network calls on the server side. (There are some hackish ways to try to submit via a hidden iframe, but they're non-standard). What this means is that you simply invoke a method on your server which does the network call (see http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/tutorials/1.6/RPC.html).

Austin Tam

I think this is what you are looking for:


Gerardo Contijoch