Here's some javascript code I use for lightening/darkening a given colour. You could use it as a base for an equivalent C# function
It works by calculating a distance from pure white of each of the RGB components and then adjusts this distance by the provided factor. The new distance is used to calculate the new colour. A factor of between 0 and 1 darkens, a factor higher than 1 lightens
function Darken( hexColor, factor )
if ( factor < 0 ) factor = 0;
var c = hexColor;
if ( c.substr(0,1) == "#" )
c = c.substring(1);
if ( c.length == 3 || c.length == 6 )
var i = c.length / 3;
var f; // the relative distance from white
var r = parseInt( c.substr(0, i ), 16 );
f = ( factor * r / (256-r) );
r = Math.floor((256 * f) / (f+1));
r = r.toString(16);
if ( r.length == 1 ) r = "0" + r;
var g = parseInt( c.substr(i, i), 16);
f = ( factor * g / (256-g) );
g = Math.floor((256 * f) / (f+1));
g = g.toString(16);
if ( g.length == 1 ) g = "0" + g;
var b = parseInt( c.substr( 2*i, i),16 );
f = ( factor * b / (256-b) );
b = Math.floor((256 * f) / (f+1));
b = b.toString(16);
if ( b.length == 1 ) b = "0" + b;
c = r+g+b;
return "#" + c;