Need more information to explain that error. The following code is fine:
#include <iostream>
namespace nsB {
void foo() { std::cout << "nsB\n";}
namespace nsA {
void foo() { std::cout << "nsA\n";}
namespace subA {
void foo() { std::cout << "nsA::subA\n";}
void bar() {
int main() {
So, while specifying the global namespace solves your current problem, in general it is possible to refer to symbols in nsB without it. Otherwise, you'd have to write ::std::cout, ::std::string, etc, whenever you were in another namespace scope. And you don't. QED.
Specifying the global namespace is for situations where there's another nsB visible in the current scope - for instance if nsA::subA contained its own namespace or class called nsB, and you want to call ::nsbB:foo rather than nsA::subA::nsB::foo. So you'd get the error you quote if for example you have declared (but not defined) nsA::subA::nsB::theFunctionInNsB(...). Did you maybe #include the header for nsB from inside namespace subA?