



I was wondering if anyone had some good general information on windows terminal services and how it works. I'm wondering:

  • If a DLL is loaded into memory is it available for all users or reloaded for each user. (or does it depend on something else)
  • A specification for an example server and how many concurrent users it supports with general use....
  • Any issues with them, I used one a while ago and we had sporadic freezes for a few seconds every so often. This could not be tracked down to a network issue someone suggested something to do with remote printers being attached to the system. It really annoyed users seemed to happen often when going to the start menu.
  • Is 2008 a big upgrade in terms of performance to 2003

Terminal Services is simply like a server with multiple "remote desktop".

  • DLL is not shared between sessions, just like ordinal process.
  • You need a special license if you want to use standard Windows server
  • I suggest removing all the printers when you want to use it (you can also disable them in client side), but that's not a big issue
  • 2008 is far better for performance and security, but you'd also need more recent RDP clients.
Is that printers thing a real issue? Is that in fact a possibility for the freeze's
The problem is the sharing/discovery process in Windows. It is sometimes very slow and freezing entire system (due to I/O pending state).In fact you can also find windows to stuck in network domains when exploring other computers - and if you disable the printer discovering it will be faster.