I'd like to create a simple singleton commandline application (a service?) in C# that when it was run, it checked to see if it was already running, and if so, it passed the command-line args to the already running instance and closed itself. Now in the already running instance it would receive the command-line args through an event like "delegate void Command(string[] args);" or something like that, so I can manage command-line through one application via events.
For instance in photoshop, when you open a picture for the first time, it loads a new instance photoshop, but when you open a second picture, it checks to see if an instance of photoshop is already running, and if it is, it passes the picture to the already loaded instance of photoshop so it can avoid the costly load-time of photoshop all over again...
Or in the web browser, you can set it so if you open a new .html file, it opens it up in a new tab, not a new window instance.
or many text editors have settings to only allow one instance of the text editor open and when a new file is opened, it's loaded in a new tab, not a new window...
many music players like winamp do this too...
I am going to eventually be setting this up as a service, so it should be constantly listening for command-line args later, but for now it's mostly so that I can manage the opening of files of a specific type together in one singleton application, or have other applications pass command-line arguments of files they want to be opened...
Also, if you know a better way or an api in .Net to re-rout all command-line args passed, to an event of a service that is always running, I can work with that... but I'd also like to keep this cross-platform so it can run in Linux/Mac on Mono if that's possible, without having to manage two or more code-bases...