





I would like to sort an array of strings in a directory, given a custom mapping (it's actually a sorting of stock names based on their sector). I am unsure of what data structures to use to represent the mapping, and how to write the custom sort method.

So for instance, suppose I had the following string array:

string[] fileNames = "bac.csv", "c.csv", "cvx.csv", "java.csv", "msft.csv", "xom.csv";

And here are the mappings:

{"bac", "c"} => 0
{"msft", "java"} => 1
{"xom", "cvx"} => 2

I would like string[] customSort(string[] fileNames) to return the following:

"bac.csv", "c.csv", "java.csv", "msft.csv", "xom.csv", "cvx.csv"

What data structure would you use to represent the mappings, and what's an elegant way of writing the sort method?

+1  A: 

Um...it seems like if you have your mapping in a usable format, you could just write up a custom IComparer implementation and hand it to Array.Sort. Maybe I'm missing some important detail in your question?

+6  A: 

Array.Sort allows you to specify an array of keys, so you can do something like...

int[] keys = new int[fileNames.Length];

Dictionary<string, int> mapping = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIngoreCase);

// set up our mappings like so
mapping.Add("bac", 0);
mapping.Add("c", 0);
mapping.Add("msft", 1);
mapping.Add("java", 1);
mapping.Add("xom", 2);
mapping.Add("cvx", 2);
// etc

for(int i=0; i < keys.Length; i++)
    string token = System.IO.Path. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileNames[i]);

    int mappingKey;

    if(!mapping.TryGetValue(token, out mappingKey)) mappingKey = int.MaxValue;

    keys[i] = mappingKey; 

Array.Sort<int, string>(keys, fileNames);

Just modify the keys[i] = -1; statement to get the proper value from your mappings given the token variable.

Adam Robinson
That would require me to write:key["bac"] = 0;key["c"]=0;key["msft"]=1;key["java"]=1; etc. right?Is there a more concise way of writing this?
David Hodgson
No, you wouldn't be writing this. I'll edit the code to be clearer and perhaps make it more concise.
Adam Robinson
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this didn't sort the array as it should. See my answer below.
David Hodgson
Edited; the parameters were in the wrong order.
Adam Robinson
Cool, that did it. Thanks for your help.
David Hodgson

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this doesn't sort the array as it should:

public static string[] sortStringTest()
        string[] fileNames = { "bac", "c", "cvx", "java", "msft",
                               "oracle", "xom" };
        int[] keys = new int[fileNames.Length];

        Dictionary<string, int> mapping = new Dictionary<string,
        // set up our mappings like so
        mapping.Add("bac", 0);
        mapping.Add("c", 0);
        mapping.Add("msft", 1);
        mapping.Add("java", 1);
        mapping.Add("oracle", 1);
        mapping.Add("xom", 2);
        mapping.Add("cvx", 2);

        for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
            string token = fileNames[i];

            int mappingKey;

            if (!mapping.TryGetValue(token, out mappingKey))
                mappingKey = int.MaxValue;

            keys[i] = mappingKey;
        Array.Sort<string, int>(fileNames, keys); //doesn't change fileNames
        return fileNames; 

Any ideas?

David Hodgson
Edited my answer. You should really edit your original post with updates rather than posting answers.
Adam Robinson