





I'm working on a FSP (Fax Service Provider) for the Windows Fax Service. I want to show custom call events in the Fax Monitor, but there is little documentation on how to do it. According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684534(VS.85).aspx :

StatusId Specifies a fax status code or value. This can be a predefined fax status code (shown following), one of the Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) LINEERR_ Constants error codes, or a value that the FSP defines. If the status identifier is provider- defined, the FSP must also supply a value for the StringId member. Following are the predefined fax status codes.

StringId Specifies a string resource identifier for the StatusId member if the StatusId is provider-defined. The fax service loads the string from the FSP's image. If StatusId contains a provider-defined status code or value, this member is required. If StatusId contains a predefined status code or value, this member is ignored."

And, according to TAPI LINE_ERR documentation, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms735630(VS.85).aspx:

The values 0xC0000000 through 0xFFFFFFFF are available for device-specific extensions.

I've tried with several (a lot) of status codes in that range, and none of them show the string resource I have in the DLL. Some of them don't show any event, some of them show an empty "" event.

Thanks, Julian.