



I'm a long time casual emacs user that just switched to it as my main editor for coding. I gave up on Aquamacs and other OS X ports each for different reasons and I've settled on running Ubuntu in VBox and everything is nearly perfect.

The last thing that I can't seem to figure out is semi-Icicles specific but I'm hoping someone can help anyway.

In the Icicles docs there are several places where they say to use the key. Problem is when I press the delete key on the upper right on my Macbook Pro it doesn't have the desired effect.

What's the trick here? It's something I will rarely do but I'm having a hard time getting over it.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Fn+Delete should work.

On a Mac delete works like "backspace" on a PC. Fn+Delete works like forward delete.

I believe that many of these key mappings might also apply even though you're not using Boot Camp:
Perfect, thanks so much. One step closer to keyboard utopia.
Mike Bannister

Don't bother installing the ports. original emacs from cvs works perfectly. Keybinding and other stuff are same as linux version.

cvs -z3 co emacs

./configure --with-ns
make -j2
make install

will build emacs as a stand alone application.

Hamza Yerlikaya

I got it working with this in my .emacs:

(define-key global-map (kbd "") 'delete-forward-char) ;;(define-key global-map [\d] 'delete-forward-char)

Hope that helps.


the following in ~/.emacs file makes del delete the forward char:

(custom-set-variables '(normal-erase-is-backspace t) )

Or, through GUI:

Emacs -> Preferences -> Editing Basics -> Normal Erase Is Backspace

Change the setting to "On"
