



In a previous question about serialising an object to an XmlDocument in C#, I needed to serialise some fault information to an XmlDocument that was returned from a asmx-style webservice call. On the client I need to de-serialise the XmlDocument back to an object.

This is straightforward enough if you know the type, but I realised I wanted a flexible approach where the type to de-serialise to is also encoded in the XmlDocument. I'm currently doing it manually by adding an XmlNode to the XmlDocument that has the type name, calculated as follows:

    Type type = fault.GetType();
    string assemblyName = type.Assembly.FullName;

    // Strip off the version and culture info
    assemblyName = assemblyName.Substring(0, assemblyName.IndexOf(",")).Trim();

    string typeName = type.FullName + ", " + assemblyName;

Then on the client I first get this type name back from the XmlDocument, and create the type object that is passed into the XmlSerialiser thus:

        object fault;
        XmlNode faultNode = e.Detail.FirstChild;
        XmlNode faultTypeNode = faultNode.NextSibling;

        // The typename of the fault type is the inner xml of the first node
        string typeName = faultTypeNode.InnerXml;
        Type faultType = Type.GetType(typeName);

        // The serialised data for the fault is the second node
        using (var stream = new StringReader(faultNode.OuterXml))
            var serialiser = new XmlSerializer(faultType);
            objectThatWasSerialised = serialiser.Deserialize(stream);

        return (CastToType)fault;

So this is a brute-force approach, and I was wondering if there's a more elegant solution that somehow includes the typename of the serialised type automatically, rather than manually recording it elsewhere?


Neil, why do you need it to be the same type on both the client and the server?

Are you still using ASMX on the client? That would be a reason, as ASMX does not properly support faults.

Also, do you have so many different fault types that a simple switch statement can't determine the correct type to use?

John Saunders
I'm using asmx on the server and client, yes. I'm sort've implementing a kind of half-baked WCF-like fault system because on the client I'm using an interface to the asmx service and I don't want users of that interface to get SoapExceptions, so they get something I've called a ServiceException instead, with a Fault property. That fault property is returned to the asmx client in the SoapException.Detail property, hence the XmlDocument/XmlNode serialisation. I don't have many fault types at the moment, but I want flexibility to add more to the server without breaking deployed clients.
Neil Barnwell
So, you're not reinventing the wheel; you're reinventing WCF.
John Saunders
+2  A: 

I had faced a similar problem and I came up with the same solution. As far as I am concerned, that is the only way to keep types together with values in XML serialization.

I see you are cutting assembly version out as I did too. But I'd like to mention, that you will have troubles with generic types as theirs signature looks like that:

System.Nullable`1[[System.Int, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089

So I made a function to only cut out the assembly version(s), which seems to be enough to get rid of versioning problems:

    private static string CutOutVersionNumbers(string fullTypeName)
        string shortTypeName = fullTypeName;
        var versionIndex = shortTypeName.IndexOf("Version");
        while (versionIndex != -1)
            int commaIndex = shortTypeName.IndexOf(",", versionIndex);
            shortTypeName = shortTypeName.Remove(versionIndex, commaIndex - versionIndex + 1);
            versionIndex = shortTypeName.IndexOf("Version");
        return shortTypeName;