The most relevant math topics you need to cover for computer vision are calculus (specifically muti-variate calculus), Fourier analysis, linear algebra, and statistics.
Calculus and Fourier analysis are probably the most difficult ones, but you need them for the low-level image processing. An image is a discrete function of x and y, so you talk about its partial derivatives, which help you detect edges and corners and describe textures. Also, you can think of an image as a 2-dimensional signal and use the Fourier transform to analyze it. The way to really get the feel for it is to implement the Fast Fourier Transform yourself a couple different ways (e. g. recursively and iteratively), run it on a few images, and see what the results look like.
For higher level stuff, such as object recognition, you really need to get into statistics and machine learning. You would need to know what a histogram is, understand the meaning of the mean and the variance of a probability distribution, and lots of other stuff...
If you have access to Matlab, it makes it very easy to implement various image processing and vision algorithms, and try them out. IMHO, this is the best way to really understand how they work.
I would also suggest reading papers published in computer vision conferences and journals. Most of them are available on the web, and you can find them with google scholar. Look up topics like object recognition, image retrieval, object tracking in video, or 3D reconstruction to see what kind of problems computer vision actually deals with. Reading these papers will probably be difficult at first, but they can give you an idea of which mathematical techniques are being used.