What's the best way to go about providing a simple search capability for "business objects" in a .NET WinForms application?
By "simple search" I mean something like Vista + Windows 7's "search box" that's in the upper-right-hand corner of almost every window, that searches the contents of that window (nothing fancy, probably no "advanced" search either - keep it simple).
By "business objects" I mean objects based on classes for things like "clients" and "addresses" (just your simple run-of-the-mill contact info mostly).
I've considered "rolling my own" simple search, maybe having my classes implement a "Contains" function so that I can ask each object if it "contains" any of the user's search terms (and then build in some sort of simple rank based on how many words were matched).
I've also looked into Lucene.NET, but it seems overly complex for my needs - having to build an index (and update and maintain it).
Suggestions? Ideas?