I'm currently writing myself a little C# back up program. I'm using a standard windows form for the interface, and am calling cmd.exe as a new process, and then using XCOPY from within this new process. Every thing's working great, except for this last feature I want to add in, which is the ability to break the operation.
From a native command prompt, I can do this cleanly with ctrl+c, but try as I might, I can't replicate this functionality using the winforms and process approach. I've tried redirecting the standardinput and using that to send consolespecialkeys.ControlC to the process, I've also tried sending 0x03 and "/x03", both of which I've read on other forum posts are hex code for ctrl+c. Nothing I'm sending is registered though, and exiting the process kills the user interface, but leaves the xcopy.exe working in the background. Killing xcopy.exe manually results in it leaving the file it was copying half copied and corrupted, not something that happens using the ctrl+c in a command prompt.
Am I missing something blindingly obvious? I'm new-ish to C#, so I'll hold my hands up and admit this is most likely me being slow, or misunderstanding how the process is working with cmd.exe. However, since processes support standard input redirection, it seems like something that should work... to me at least. I've put the basic outline of my code below, in case it helps identify where I'm messing up.
string XCopyArguments = "\"" + dir.FullName + "\" \"" + destination + "\" /D /S /I /E";
Process XCopyProcess = new Process();
ProcessStartInfo XCopyStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
XCopyStartInfo.FileName = "CMD.exe ";
XCopyStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
XCopyStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
XCopyStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
XCopyStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
XCopyStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
XCopyStartInfo.Arguments = " /D /c XCOPY " + XCopyArguments;
XCopyProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
XCopyProcess.StartInfo = XCopyStartInfo;
int ExitCode = XCopyProcess.ExitCode;
if (ExitCode > 0 & !XCopyProcess.HasExited)
Many thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.