




We use variations in order to support multiple languages in a site. We have es-ES and ca-ES variations. Then we have page layouts with couple of tags where we want to show texts loaded from resource files. We also have some resource files - MyRes.resx, and When we are in ca-ES variation I see that do not load correct resources for ca-ES, but instead use the default ones (from MyRes.resx). When I check Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture, it returns ca-ES. On the other hand, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture returns es-ES.

This happens because I have defined the variation like this: -the language for the label is Spanish, because we want the administration to be in Spanish always. Private part in Spanish, but public one in Other languages. -The Locale is where we define the language, for example, Catalan, Basque etc...

This is why I obtain 2 different values for CurrentThread.

How can I implement to have Spanish for the administration (that is to say to define the language as Spanish) and having the resources of the public side with the language i define in the Locale.

You have to take in mind I don't use any language pack (so that i can change the language part), and is not my intention.

Other people have had this problem in internet:

but they give a solution and don't explain how.