Consider the following simple DAG:
And a table, #bar, describing this (I'm using SQL Server 2005):
parent_id child_id
1 2
2 3
3 4
//... other edges, not connected to the subgraph above
Now imagine that I have some other arbitrary criteria that select the first and last edges, i.e. 1->2 and 3->4. I want to use these to find the rest of my graph.
I can write a recursive CTE as follows (I'm using terminology from MSDN):
with foo(parent_id,child_id) as (
// anchor member that happens to select first and last edges:
select parent_id,child_id from #bar where parent_id in (1,3)
union all
// recursive member:
select #bar.* from #bar
join foo on #bar.parent_id = foo.child_id
select parent_id,child_id from foo
However, this results in edge 3->4 being selected twice:
parent_id child_id
1 2
3 4
2 3
3 4 // 2nd appearance!
How can I prevent the query from recursing into subgraphs that have already been described? I could achieve this if, in my "recursive member" part of the query, I could reference all data that has been retrieved by the recursive CTE so far (and supply a predicate indicating in the recursive member excluding nodes already visited). However, I think I can access data that was returned by the last iteration of the recursive member only.
This will not scale well when there is a lot of such repetition. Is there a way of preventing this unnecessary additional recursion?
Note that I could use "select distinct" in the last line of my statement to achieve the desired results, but this seems to be applied after all the (repeated) recursion is done, so I don't think this is an ideal solution.
Edit - hainstech suggests stopping recursion by adding a predicate to exclude recursing down paths that were explicitly in the starting set, i.e. recurse only where foo.child_id not in (1,3)
. That works for the case above only because it simple - all the repeated sections begin within the anchor set of nodes. It doesn't solve the general case where they may not be. e.g., consider adding edges 1->4 and 4->5 to the above set. Edge 4->5 will be captured twice, even with the suggested predicate. :(