



We are migrating ASP code that used ADO to connect to SQL Server 2000. For the most part the code migrated without a hitch to SQL Server 2008 after defining the connection, but one type of query is throwing an error that puzzles me.

Against SQL 2000, we would use code like this:

set oCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn 'already established
oCommand.CommandType = adCmdText 

'This is simplified over the real code, but the wrapper is what we use.
oCommand.CommandText = "<Root xmlns:sql='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql'><sql:query>" 
+ Server.HTMLEncode(sql) 
+ "</sql:query></Root>" 

oCommand.Dialect = "{5D531CB2-E6ED-11D2-B252-00C04F681B71}" 'SQL Dialect GUID
oCommand.Properties("Output Stream").Value = oXMLDoc 'Already created
oCommand.Execute , , adExecuteStream 'The point of error

The SQL is a stored procedure call that works when called normally. This code continues to work against SQL 2000, but against SQL 2008 it returns:

ERR_OPENSQLXML XMLDB.openSQLXML failed. Error '-2147217898': 'Command dialect is not supported by this provider.'

My first guess is that SQL 2008 relies on MSXML version 6, and I need a new guid. My MSDN and Google-Fu has failed me: all the results I find use this GUID.

Is there a new GUID? Is there a better way? Is that better way less hassle than recoding in ASP.NET (the fate of many pages already).

EDIT: I'm wondering if using the SQLNCLI10 client is preventing this from working?

configConnString = 
"Provider=SQLNCLI10;DataTypeCompatibility=80;Server=XYZZY;Database=ucpm;MARS Connection=True;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
+1  A: 

Rather than focus on the language which i haven't seen documented as changed - ASP.dll is still supported in the next version of windows server from the last check i made.

Can you check the client you are connecting from has the MSSQL Native Client 10 installed rather than the old sql 2000 odbc/oledb clients.

I have updated the question with the connection string used. I am using the SQLNCLI10 provider, which has been great with traditional parameterized queries, just not the XML stream.
Two things apologize if the first is patronizing; has sqlxml been installed; in sql 2008 its not installed by default.; can you try the test sample ms provide in cscript to check that its all working as expected
And no, checking if it is installed wasn't patronizing. Very often it is the simple answer that is correct :)
The test script pointed to works. I fed it the query that is failing in ASP/ADO and it worked like a champ, returning the XML document with the correct data. I note that the example doesn't use the DataTypeCompatibility=80 (which I thought was necessary for classic ASP/ADO connections to the native client).
I have no idea on that; i know that DataTypeCompatibility 80 was to support sql2005 data types. All their other examples are using it though. If you have jumped from 2000 - > 2008 then you likely aren't using n/varchar(max) or the other new types so you can probably get away without it. I cant see anything on google that would explain why that would cause an error though.
Opening a new connection to the database using a string of the nature "Provider=SQLXMLOLEDB.4.0;Data Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=XYZZY;Database=ucpm;Integrated Security=SSPI" is working around the problem. As all the XML queries run through one utility function, opening this second connection is good enough. Thank you.