



Hi community,

I am building a Winforms C# 2.0 application.

I have successfully been able to connect to my SLQ Server database using the following: m_connexion = new SqlConnection(";uid=...;pwd=...;database=...");

Because my company wanted to be able to use any database, I went on to use the Odbc driver and my commands went on like this:

m_connexion = new OdbcConnection(";uid=...;pwd=...;database=...");

However, this throws out a System.InvalidOperationException. Any idea why?

I'm also trying to use a DSN, but the commend OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection("DSN=MyDataSourceName"); suggested here but it likewise throws my a System.InvalidOperationException

+3  A: 

The connection string needs a Provider= so that the ODBC drivers know which server you're connecting to. In this case Provider=SQLSERVER I believe.

UPDATE: Should have been Provider=SQLOLEDB

Paul Alexander
Nope it doesn't work.
mmm....been a while since I did this by hand. Try Provider=SQLOLEDB
Paul Alexander
That did part of the trick! It now works if I provide the DSN name and uid and pwd. Any way that I can get rid of the uid and pwd? the objective was to take those out of the app
You can add ;Integrated Security=SSPI; to the connection string to use Windows authentication, instead of username/password.
Well you don't want to store the connection string in the app in the first place. Rather you'll use the <connectionStrings /> configuration element in the application's .config file and use the built in encryption provided in .NET to protect it.
Paul Alexander
thanks it worked
+2  A: 

I think you need to specify a driver. Look here for details:

Arjan Einbu
I have tried Driver={SQL Native Client} but I obtain the same result
Arjan Einbu
I am using XP SP3. I tried re-installing MDAC but same result

If you specify a DSN, you have to configure the DSN using the ODBC control panel. It's called "Set up data sources (ODBC)" under Administrative Tools. The panel also has a "test" button, which might tell you more about what's going wrong.

P.S. Being "database independent" is much more work than using ODBC connection, command and datareader. You'd have to make sure your queries run on each target database, which you will not be able to do if you don't have a test server of each. So if I were you, I'd code it up using SqlConnection, since you already got that working.

yea, I know... :)