I have a Windows 2003 Server with IIS, I installed VisualSVN Server on it.
I have two developers, who are going to use TortoiseSVN.
Since this is my first time ever setting up a SVN server I am kind of confused on how this will all work. The way I see it, each developer would have a copy of the repository on his or her local pc, would each person be required to have IIS installed on their PC as well to test their copies before checking out?
Should I create a testing folder on the server and then a production ready? It seems as if that would cause more issues with copies?
What would you do?
I dont know what I was thinking, I forgot that VS has a built in IIS when you debug so the issue about setting up IIS on either client or server is now a non-issue. But I am confused, I imported the site into the repo, it said it was on revision 2 but I dont see any of the files in the repo folder. Do I create a virtual folder in IIS pointing to the repo that I created?