We needed the ability to log from a console app and a windows service in addition to our ASP.NET site. I used the answer (ErrorLog.GetDefault(null);
) which worked well until I needed to email too.
So, here is my solution. It handles the log, email, tweet and filtering (both in the config file and in code). I have also wrapped the main call as an extension to Exception so it can be called like: catch(Exception ex) { ex.LogToElmah(); }
To filter in code, hook the corresponding .Filtering event: ElmahExtension.ErrorLog.Filtering += new ExceptionFilterEventHandler(ErrorLog_Filtering);
using System;
using System.Web;
using Elmah;
namespace System
public static class ElmahExtension
public static void LogToElmah(this Exception ex)
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
if (httpApplication == null) InitNoContext();
private static HttpApplication httpApplication = null;
private static ErrorFilterConsole errorFilter = new ErrorFilterConsole();
public static ErrorMailModule ErrorEmail = new ErrorMailModule();
public static ErrorLogModule ErrorLog = new ErrorLogModule();
public static ErrorTweetModule ErrorTweet = new ErrorTweetModule();
private static void InitNoContext()
httpApplication = new HttpApplication();
(ErrorEmail as IHttpModule).Init(httpApplication);
(ErrorLog as IHttpModule).Init(httpApplication);
(ErrorTweet as IHttpModule).Init(httpApplication);
private class ErrorFilterConsole : ErrorFilterModule
public void HookFiltering(IExceptionFiltering module)
module.Filtering += new ExceptionFilterEventHandler(base.OnErrorModuleFiltering);