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I'm writing a stored procedure for SQL Anywhere 9.0.2, here's some code:
@v_d datetime, @v_d1 datetime, @v_d2 datetime
select @v_d1 = @v_d, @v_d2 = dateadd(dd, 1, @v_d1)
it turns out that @v_d2 will not be set as expected. if I modify it to:
@v_d datetime, @v_d1 datetime, @v_d2 datetime
select @v_d1 = @v_d
select @v_d2 = dateadd(dd, 1, @v_d1)
nothing happens, all the same. finally, I changed it to :
@v_d datetime, @v_d1 datetime, @v_d2 datetime
select @v_d1 = @v_d
select @v_d2 = dateadd(dd, 1, @v_d1)
now it works fine, looks kind of stupid though. my question is: is it a known issue? or maybe I could do it more neatly? any comments will be appreciated. thanks!