This is something that I cannot believe I have not been able to figure out -- please tell me I am missing someting simple...
I have a datagrid, I am filling it with Linq as well as a custom class to add data to it.
Afterwards, I need the data in a specific order - it seems to ignore me.
How do I change a columns properties, like index etc??
here is the linq code I am using:
thanks in advance...
Dim query = From m In db.details _
Where m.InboundDate >= CType(MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart, DateTime) _
And m.InboundDate <= CType(MonthCalendar1.SelectionEnd, DateTime).AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59) _
And m.ClientNo = 1 _
Join md In db.Manifests On md.ManifestID Equals m.MainID _
Select New GridData With {.manifestID = m.MainID, .InboundDate = m.InboundDate, .Zip = m.Zip, .LadingPkgQty = md.LadingPkgQty, .Weight = m.Weight, .Zone = m.Zone, .Fuel = 23, .LineHaul = Nothing, .Freight = Nothing, .BilledAmount = Nothing, .PackageRate = Nothing, .LTL = Nothing}