




I've been using vim and c++/php for university and personal projects.

Lately, while programming, I've been finding myself browsing (the internet) a lot through the generated APIs of the libraries/frameworks/languages I use.

I consider this a waste of time, because, as I don't like too many tabs open in my browser, I tend to close as many tabs as I can closing (most of the times, without realizing) the API documentation pages.

Also, as I write with vim, I don't like to take my hand out of the keyboard, and browsing the internet does exactly that (I tried the firefox mouse-less addon and I didn't quite like it).

I know that a lot of IDEs does exactly this and as you type, but it does not include all the frameworks nor libraries. For instance, QtCreator includes the Qt framework, but not the libQGLViewer api documentation nor the openmesh api documentation (or maybe I don't know how to add them).

Also, I know that vim can use exhuberant-ctags to find/complete method declarations, but it doesn't work with the documentation (or I can't make it work with the documentation).

So, I was wondering if you know of an application or tool that "aggregates" api documentations where I can quicly find classes/methods documentations? Maybe with a search option where I can write the name of the class and it displays it's documentation?


I know that with DOxygen, there is a search box with the generated documentation
