Three weeks ago, I completed a project for a guy. My former CEO gave him a good reference.
The whole time I was doing work for this guy, I gave him updates he could see, and told him he needed to make sure to tell me if there were any changes he needed.
At the end, he told me it looked awesome, exactly what he wanted, and he would send me a check. The next day, he had his buddy check it out, and realized there were a bunch of changes he needed.
I told him I would continue working on this project--to implement these changes--as long as he paid me for the work thus far that he had commissioned.
He's now MIA, doesn't reply to my emails or my phone calls. I've put $2,000 worth of work into this.
Should I try to collect on this? If so, how? Should I take him to small claims court? Forget about it? What?