



I created a custom scroll thumb in Flex but the scroll thumb is scrolling past the track skin. Check out this screen shot.

This is my code for the track skin, which essentially just makes it invisible so it appears to be rounded:

package com.project.skins
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    import mx.skins.halo.ScrollTrackSkin;

    public class RoundedTrackSkin extends ScrollTrackSkin
     public function RoundedTrackSkin()

     override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
      // Fill track skin with zero alpha
         drawRoundRect(1, 1, unscaledWidth-2, unscaledHeight-20, 0, 0x000000, 0.0);

This is my code for the scroll thumb:

package com.project.skins
    import flash.display.GradientType;

    import mx.skins.Border;
    import mx.utils.ColorUtil;

    public class SimpleThumbSkin extends Border{

     public function SimpleThumbSkin(){

     override public function get measuredWidth():Number{
            return 10;

        override public function get measuredHeight():Number{
            return 10;

     override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void{

      // User-defined styles.
            var borderColor:uint = getStyle("borderColor");
            var borderColorDark:uint = ColorUtil.adjustBrightness(borderColor, -50);
            var borderAlphas:Array = [1.0, 0.5];
            var backgroundColor:uint = 0x555555;
            var backgroundAlpha:Number = 0.3;

            var top_offset:Number = 3;


            // draw fill with alpha = 0.0 to capture mouse events
            drawRoundRect(1, 0, w - 3, h, 0, backgroundColor, 0.0);

      switch (name)
                case "thumbUpSkin":{
                    drawRoundRect(0, top_offset, w - 1, h + 3, 3, [borderColor, borderColor], borderAlphas,
                        null, GradientType.LINEAR, null, null);

                case "thumbOverSkin":{
                    // border
                    drawRoundRect(0, top_offset, w - 1, h + 3, 3, [borderColorDark, borderColorDark], borderAlphas,
                        null, GradientType.LINEAR, null, null);  


                case "thumbDownSkin":{ 
                    // border
                    drawRoundRect(0, top_offset, w - 1, h + 3, 3, [borderColorDark, borderColorDark], borderAlphas,
                        null, GradientType.LINEAR, null, null);  

                case "thumbDisabledSkin":{
                    // positioning placeholder
                        0, 0, w, h, 0,
                        0xFFFFFF, 0); 

                    // border
                        1, 0, w - 3, h, 0,
                        0x999999, 0.5);

                    // fill
                        1, 1, w - 4, h - 2, 0,
                        0xFFFFFF, 0.5);



Does anyone know how I can fix this?


Is there any reason why you have a scroll thumb appearing in your image when it appears like scrolling would not be necessary? It looks like the dropdown is large enough for all the elements. It also appears that you are adding 3 pixels to the passed height in the updateDisplayList function of your SimpleThumbSkin class. Additionally, you are setting the y value via your top_offest variable to 3. This seems to account for about 6 pixels extra, possibly the overlap you are seeing.

Maybe it looks like there is enough room because I took away the scroll arrows. I did that because I could not get the scroll arrows to be rounded so the corners of the arrows were extending beyond the rounded drop down area.I think you are right about the reason why the scroll thumb is extending. I did this so I could make the scroll thumb larger. Maybe I will have to find another way.