I see that Pentaho wants to charge me for their software. How can I get to the underlying Open Source software for dashboards to see what it can do without having to deal with Pentaho marketing folks?
"Open source" is not the same thing as "free" (either "as in beer" or "as in speech").
As much as I'm not a fan of Stallman in general, this article will probably help clear up the distictions a bit: Why "Open Source" misses the point of Free Software
Open Source != Free
IANAL, but I'd say you're bound to the license that the software is under.
Most commercial open source editions have a community edition that the community hacks on if the license permits it*. Pentaho is no different from them and has a community edition.
In these cases, the "community edition" is not the same thing as the commercial product you would buy. You may find a lot of the gloss and even some, if not a lot of the features are missing. There's no support. Yadda yadda yadda. You get the picture.
*As others have noted, not all "open source" apps need to distribute the source code in the same way as, a GPL application would. Open source, in rawest forms, just means as a licensed user, you get to see the source code.
Just to provide detail on what pentaho do and dont provide - they do provide a very complete BI platform as part of the community edition.
The only things that the enterprise edition include are a web based dashboard designer and a few other bits and bobs - i.e. not very much at all.
As mentioned above the benefit to becoming a subscription customer with pentaho is that they provide support, which for us was very useful in our final implementation.
Check out their forums too though - they are very active, and as long as your questions arnt complete newbie ones they are very helpful too. I sometimes use the forums despite having a support agreement as i know it can be quicker.
Suds get your free download of the code from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/
They have an IRC chat channel as well that ive found to be extremely helpful.