



I have a bash-sctipt running 5 php scripts via wget. Every php file is called but, on the last script, I get this warning:

mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in xyz.php, on line ABC

What it is really strange is, if I run the same script via browser, the script runs fine, without any warning.

This is my code near line ABC:

$sqlSTR="INSERT INTO accounts_cstm (id_c, mtk_categoriascompradas_c) VALUES ('". $arr[1] . "', '" . $arr[0] . "')
        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mtk_categoriascompradas_c= concat(mtk_categoriascompradas_c, '^,^$arr[0]')";  

$ExecuteSQL = mysql_query ($sqlSTR, $DBConn) or
          die ($sqlSTR); //warning on this line - line ABC

My SQL is totally valid (if I run the query that is outputed in the "die" statement it runs perfectly), the DBConn is connected to the database and all other scripts run fine, except this one.

I really don't know what is causing this Warning. Any help will be welcome.



Something definitely looks wrong with your last reference to $arr[0] in the query - I think it needs to be the following:

$sqlSTR="INSERT INTO accounts_cstm (id_c, mtk_categoriascompradas_c) VALUES ('". $arr[1] . "', '" . $arr[0] . "')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mtk_categoriascompradas_c= concat(mtk_categoriascompradas_c, '^,^".$arr[0]."')";
+4  A: 

Your problem actually lies with your database connection ($DBConn). Take a look at that code. Stick a var_dump in and try wgetting again.

+1, yes the error does seem to point to an issue with the connection.
no sure, because I can run the script via browser, with exactly the same URL.
I'm not saying it for my own health. The error *means* the database connection isn't valid. You need to look at that part of the code if you want to find the problem.
+1  A: 

Always use mysql_error() when you see this error message. Then you`ll know the exact reason, why the query was invalid.

Maciej Łebkowski

Does the URL you are calling with wget have an ampersand in it? If you do, make sure your shell isn't interpreting it as a send process to background

The URL doesn't have any ampersand or any special character.
Okay. I'm not familiar with how debian does php, but my ubuntu boxes have a different php.ini for command-line vs apache. You might have a similar setup with the cli-php having a slightly different setup that is affecting your script.