




I need a way of displaying 3 cells of data.
For example

Cell 1            Cell 2          Cell 3    

20                 140            Lee
12                 110            Kerrie

Whenever anyone's name is input in cell 3 I need a separate spreadsheet to display the name (cell 3) and the information in cells 1 & 2 (the information in cells 1 & 2 will always be different).


Use the function: VLOOKUP

Jeff O
how would i do that? im not very advanced on excel
In Excel, press F1 then type VLOOKUP into the search box
+2  A: 

From your question it's unclear whether you're talking about a person's name input into a single cell (e.g., "C3") or somewhere in a given column (e.g., "C:C").

In the former case you can easily use Guiness's suggestion; or you can even more easily write a formula like this to concatenate the values in Cells 1 through 3 (supposing the worksheet is called "Sheet1"):

="Name = "&Sheet1!C3&": Cell1 = "&Sheet1!A3&", Cell2 = "&Sheet1!B3

(This is based on Cells 1 through 3 in your example being in columns A through C, and in row 3.)

On the other hand, if you're talking about the latter case and you want to run some VBA code whenever a new name is ADDED to column C, you can use the Worksheet_Change VBA function. If this is the case, edit the question to indicate that.

Dan Tao
+1  A: 
  1. Say you have Excel workbook 1 called Book1.xls. Open that workbook and type the following in the first three rows and across first three columns

    Row 1 - cell1 cell2 cell3
    Row 2 - 20 12 Jee
    Row 3 - 87 25 Kee

  2. Now open the other Workbook - say Book2.xls. Select the cell in which you want to put the value. In that cell press "=" (the 'equals' sign)

  3. Now this is the important bit. After pressing that 'equals' go back to the first excel workbook and select the cell, the content of which you want entered in the second workbook.

So, in this case, the cell in the second workbook will have a formula like this

Do the same for the rest of the cells you want.

Important: Please note that the second workbook will not be filled unless the first workbook is opened also.
