



When several fields in a MSAccess table need to be updated (For instance Salary=Salary*Factor, SomeNumber=GetMyBusinessRuleOn(SomeNumber) etc...),and the update should affect every record in a table, which technique would you use?

I have just started to implement this with DataSets, but got stuck (

But maybe this isn't even the ideal way to handle this kind of batch update?

Note : the updates don't have to be on disconnected data first, so a dataset is not necessary.


  • One command won't do, I need some kind of recordset or cursor to cycle through the records
+1  A: 

I would just use a ODBCConnection/ODBCCommand and use a SQL Update query.

There is a JET Database driver that you should be able to use to establish a database connection to a MSAccess database using the ODBCConeection object.

string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\\PathTo\\Your_Database_Name.mdb; User Id=admin; Password=";

using (OdbcConnection connection = 
           new OdbcConnection(connectionString))
    // Suppose you wanted to update the Salary column in a table
    // called Employees
    string sqlQuery = "UPDATE Employees SET Salary = Salary * Factor";

    OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand(sqlQuery, connection);

    catch (Exception ex)
    // The connection is automatically closed when the
    // code exits the using block.

You could use these websites to help you generate a connection string:

EDIT - Example for using a data reader to cycle through records in order to aply the business rule

I should note that the following example could be improved in certain ways (especially if the database driver supports parameterized queries). I only wanted to give a relatively simple example to illustrate the concept.

using (OdbcConnection connection = 
           new OdbcConnection(connectionString))
    int someNumber;
    int employeeID;
    OdbcDataReader dr = null;
    OdbcCommand selCmd = new OdbcCommand("SELECT EmployeeID, SomeNumber FROM Employees", connection);

    OdbcCommand updateCmd = new OdbcCommand("", connection);

        dr = selCmd.ExecuteReader();
            employeeID = (int)dr[0];
            someNumber = (int)dr[1];
            updateCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Employees SET SomeNumber= " + GetBusinessRule(someNumber) + " WHERE employeeID = " + employeeID;

    catch (Exception ex)
       // Don't forget to close the reader when we're done
       if(dr != null)
    // The connection is automatically closed when the
    // code exits the using block.
Miky Dinescu
yes, tx, but I really need to cycle the records one by one
Then you could use a DataReader to cycle through each record and perform the update that way.. See update
Miky Dinescu
I had already implemented this method, but it seemed kinda slow though I hoped there would be an easy solution to the dataset update. But +1 for the working solution and your effort, tx.

Sounds like you just need an update statement:

You can use the OleDb Provider for this.

Steve Willcock
see update, I really need to iterate the recs