




The title says it all...

+28  A: 

Normal rectangle with a dotted rectangle in the top right corner, to represent the template parameter. Something like this:

___________:  T  :
|          :.....:
|              |
|  ClassName   |
|              |

See diagrams in this page, this tutorial, and this page (just as random examples which include template classes).

Jon Skeet
+1 for first Skeet ASCII art answer. :-)
Judah Himango
A-Skeet-art? (sorry, couldn't resist it)
Fredrik Mörk
I've just realised that posting a link on Twitter could be counted as rep-scamming. Except that I hit the limit for the day *ages* ago... all I can really get is the 15 points for having it accepted (hopefully). Corollary: maybe I should actually have tweeted it at 12.01 UTC ;)
Jon Skeet
Jon Skeet wrote the answer and the ASCII art long ago. He's just been waiting for the question to be asked.
Don't you hit the rep limit every day?
Yes, but the earlier it happens in the day, the more likely it is that any accepted answer will contribute the +15 beyond the limit rather than *to* the limit.
Jon Skeet

A more useful approach is to use a UML Classifier for the Template. This is a UML Element that represents an extension to the UML notation. If your tool supports profiles create the Classifier within one. Define the Classifier for the Template, and include the properties and methods from the template, then instead of using the standard class notation, use the Classifier you have created for each Class that uses the template. This would be correct usage of the UML for Templates.

Martin Spamer