You could create an Excel add-in with Excel using VBA. You need to add a reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in the VBA editor (using Tools -> References), and then you'll have full access to the Connection, Command, RecordSet, etc objects.
If I was doing this, I'd have the user specify the database/table/columns for each import batch using a form. Then I'd create a Connection object and loop through each row of the data to create and execute an insert Command based on the data in the row.
When you are done, you have the option of saving the finished workbook as an Excel Addin file (xla) which can be distributed to others.
Here is a sample of what the insert code may look like:
Dim conn As New Connection
Dim comm As New Command
conn.Open YourConnectionString
Set comm.ActiveConnection = conn
comm.CommandText = "insert <table> (<column1>, <column2>, <column3>, ..., <columnN>) values (" + <value1> + ", '" + <value2> + "', " + <value3> + ", '" + <valueN>+ "')"