
You can write lots of very verbose code that uses up more space ;)

VB.NET coming from VB also lets you implicitly define type and convert between types whereas until var came about in C# you didn't have this option.

var doesn't convert anything differently as with any other declared variable. It is just a syntactic sugar, the type is filled in by the compiler.
Stefan Steinegger

For the time being, you can't have optional parameters in C# but you can in VB.Net ,C# 4.0 will have optional and missing parameters

+1  A: 

Use XML Literals is one.

+3  A: 

XML Literals - this is the one feature of VB.NET I'd like to see in C#

Steve Willcock
Yup, the only feature envy I have is this one.
Tim Jarvis
I'm pretty happy that's not in C# actually.

Late binding

Which C# 4.0 introduces via dynamic
Marc Gravell

It's been a while since I've touched either C# or VB.net but I really miss the with syntax. It wasn't just fluff IIRC. It sped things up.

With New Instance()
    .instance_property = 5
End With

Really handy if you needed to bleem off a load of similar things on a deep property.

In C#:var inst = new Instance { Instance_Property = 5, Instance_Property2 = 10 };but you can't call methods.
Chris Brandsma
+1  A: 
  • XML Literals
  • Optional parameters
  • Catch filters
  • Static variables (not Shared)
  • Handles events
  • RaiseEvent
  • With
Mark Brackett